Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Mrs. Jolle takes a new approach in teaching the AP World History DBQ essay
In my World History classes we have been practicing writing Document-based essays (DBQ's) so, for a different approach I have given them a few days in the Media Center to research, in books, the Maya, Inca and Aztec civilizations. They have some guiding questions about government, architecture, religion etc. about each civilization. Following the research they will have a class period to organize their information into comparative graph organizers (scaffolding) in preparation for an essay prompt this week asking them to compare two of the civilizations and support their thesis with evidence from their notes. There is a specific rubric that we have been using to grade the essays with points for a three-prong thesis, addressing the question, and use of documents/evidence. Students are struggling somewhat since they are not as familiar with researching in books as much as being able to "Google" answers.