Monday, February 29, 2016

Congratulations Ms Magill
Teacher of the year- Kendra Magill and Professional of the Year- Saida Dzaferovic
Alpharetta High School is filled with amazing individuals who make magic each and every day. Our TOTY and POTY program allows us to take a moment to honor two individuals and their special kind of magic.
POTY Saida Dzaferovic leads our virtual lab and works closely with many students who need special attention to pass credit recovery classes. Not only does she have a full schedule with the lab, show opens it every day during both lunches, after school, and even Saturdays to support our students. She loves her students, her job, and her school, and it shows.
TOTY Kendra Magill coaches and teaches six classes each day. She is the AP Art History PLC leader and has grown the program from a couple classes to 10 classes, from one teacher to four teachers, from fewer than 50 students to over 250 student. She makes each lesson come alive and ignites a love and appreciation for visual arts in those who enter her tiny room. She is passionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated to her students, the arts, and AHS.
We are very fortunate to work in a building with such talent!