Monday, December 3, 2018
Healthcare Science Students Visit WellStar North Fulton!
The students had the opportunity to participate, as patients, in the trauma disaster drill for WellStar NF hospital. The purpose of the drill is for the emergency response team for the hospital and all healthcare professionals to be prepared if there was a disaster. The scenario for yesterday was a mass shooting and there was an influx of patients into the Emergency Department. The simulation allowed the students to experience different types of healthcare professionals, how to behave during a disaster as a healthcare professional, experience teamwork, and have a little fun in the process. The students really enjoyed it, and we made major strides in developing a partnership with the hospital and other healthcare professionals in attendance. The students and our growing healthcare program benefitted greatly from the entire experience on yesterday. One of the allied health students even noticed a mistake during the blood draw simulation, in the drill, that she was so happy she learned in class prior to attending the drill.