Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Alpharetta High School Goes to School in France

Twenty French students at Alpharetta High School went to school in France over spring break as part of an on-going exchange program.  In October, 21 exchange students from the Lycée Saint Jean Hulst in Versailles visited Alpharetta and in April, the AHS students had an opportunity to return the visit.  Staying with their French host families in Versailles offered AHS students an amazing opportunity to  experience the art, culture, daily life, education, food, and history of France.  AHS students attended classes at the lycée, visited the famous château of Versailles, explored the monuments and museums of Paris, while also learning how to make baguettes at a bakery, navigate Paris on foot and by métro, attend an opera, and shop at the weekly market.

The exchange program was organized by AHS teachers Katherine Rozei and Denni Proctor and SJH teachers Bénédicte Applegate and Guillemette Toutlemonde.