Thursday, April 28, 2016

Family Science Night
On April 15, the Science National Honor Society presented Family Science Night for Creek View and Manning Oaks Elementary. The SNHS students organized the activity, coming up with labs to represent the various areas of Science; Physics, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental, Biology and Anatomy. The SNHS students presented interactive labs for the elementary students and parents.

Small group of attendees this year but the SNHS students have already begun planning for next year for a much bigger Family Science Night. The FSN was held on April 15 as a way of getting elementary students excited about science. The elementary students were to take their milestone test during the following week.

Some exciting labs that the students experienced were:
Methane Fire Bubbles, Lava Lamps, Edible layers of soil, Making Silly Putty, motors and electricity, Van Der Graf generator, pH rainbow, how lungs work, invisible ink messages, and several more.

AND...a good time was had by all.